RSVP America 2023 - Evansville, Indiana

This conference highlighted how our laws were changed based on the actions of Indiana's own pedophile and how we can restore our values. 

All the sessions are linked below. Click to expand each section.


Linda Jeffrey, Bad Legislative Reform and the Costs to America      

Dr. Linda Jeffrey has served as the Director of Research for First Principles Press for the past 23 years. Linda has written extensively on the subjects of preserving marriage and protecting women and children and has presented legislative briefings for Missouri Concerned Women for America, the New Jersey Family Policy Council, the National Abstinence Clearinghouse, the National Lawyers Association, and the national [RSVP] Restoring Social Virtue and Purity to America Campaign as well as many state and local parent and activist groups. Her research was published in a State Factor by the American Legislative Exchange Council, and she has written a full-length monograph on the American Law Institute's Model Penal Code detailing its negative impact on laws protecting marriage, women, and children in 34 states. Linda lives in Louisville, Kentucky, where she is actively involved in passing the baton of faith and freedom to her 5 children and 20 grandchildren.      

Deborah Simmons, How Does a Parent Get Involved with Legislation?      

Deborah Simmons is a military brat and graduate of Texas A&M University. Deborah spent ten years in the computer industry before starting a family with her husband. In 2005, they moved to the Williamson County area of Austin, Texas, to raise their two children. Deborah served on the Round Rock ISD School Health Advisory Council, also known as the SHAC, for almost two years and now advocates for parents to get involved in their local school districts.      

Audrey Werner, Getting to the Root of the Problem - History of the Sexual Revolution      

Audrey is the founder and President of the Matthew XVIII Group and is also the Dean of Life Issue at Masters International University of Divinity. Audrey addresses parent groups, teens and young adults, local and state government leaders, and recently, Uganda Parliament. As an international speaker, she answers the question, "How do we protect our children, and then equip them to live pure lives?" As a former sex educator and STD nurse, she shares where the sex education message came from and the true intent behind the message. Right now she is based in Texas with her husband, four children, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.      

Joseph Weigel, Perverts Progress: Queer Theory, Sex Ed, The World-State And The ANSWER To It All      

Joseph is an ordinary American, a father, a husband, and a firefighter. He has a BA in History, but more importantly, as an adult he took it upon himself to self-educate. He went back to the Great Books and the ideas therein that built the West. He is the author of two books – The Critical State of Education and Pervert’s Progress – and is the host of a podcast on C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man.      

Rhonda Miller, Big Pharma and Mental Health      

Rhonda Miller is the President of Purple for Parents of Indiana and an independent researcher who has spent the last 11 years uncovering the truth of what was and is happening in American education. In her search for the truth, she uncovered Indiana as ground zero for the sexual revolution that has infiltrated our schools. Her battles have taken her to the Indiana Statehouse to testify before both the House and Senate Education Committees.   

Dennis D. Frey, A.B.S., M.Div., Th.D. THE GREATEST EMBEZZLEMENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY: How Humanism is Robbing Our Nation of Hope, and How to Reclaim It      

Dennis D. Frey, A.B.S., M.Div., Th.D. is the President of Master's International University of Divinity ( He and his wife Sharon are strong supporters of the pro-life movement. Since 1989 he has been engaged in creating and promoting innovative degree program options for men and women serving in and preparing for Christian ministry. Dr. Frey is an ordained minister, and U.S. Navy veteran. 

RSVP Conference Sessions

Audrey Werner

Audrey Werner

Linda Jeffrey

Linda Jeffrey

Audrey Werner & Linda Jeffrey

Curtis Hill

Deborah Simmons

Deborah Simmons

Deborah Simmons

Rhonda Miller

Rhonda Miller

Rhonda Miller

Joseph Weigel

Joseph Weigel

Joseph Weigel

Dr. Dennis Frey

Dr. Dennis Frey